Busch Jaeger VR app

DAF Experience

The Busch Jaeger VR experience is a VR application for PC (Oculus Rift) and Mobile devices (Cardboard) developed by Fantazm. With the app you can explore all the recent domotica features. For this application we made (interactive) music and sounddesign. In every room there is a different musical soundscape. Because of the interactive part the musical key in all the rooms had to be the same and the sounds were specifically designed to adapt to the room. In addition to the music we made some tonal sound effects and transitions so they matched the music. The Smart Home Explorer can be downloaded for free in the App Store.

iMake is a subdivision of Studio Make, creative sound   //   K.v.K. Eindhoven 55777511   //   VAT ID: NL123926063B02