Musical Applications

Musical Applications

Companies are always very strict when it comes to using logo’s, fonts, colours etc. in visual communication.

Complete brand books are written for this making sure everything will be uniform when communicating to the outside world.

Surprisingly the role of audio is often (read always) forgotten in this, despite the fact that sound (and music) is a very powerful tool to communicate with. A simple ID or sound can trigger a visitor much faster then a visual, also on an emotional level.

It’s simply another part of your brain that takes care of that and the fact that is not easy to ignore sound. With a visual, you háve to look.

At iMake we developed a way to create custom music libraries with content that can be easily used by different parties, giving the freedom to create soundtracks in every desired length and with a choice of different intro’s, outro’s, themes, underscores, bridges or any other musical component.
The library is composed based on how the company/brand want to express itself. For example technological, environmental, people, you name it.

The best thing is: You don’t need any musical background yourself to create soundtracks with this library. It’s like playing with Lego. Just drag & drop elements in the timeline until you have the right length and feel. We made sure the music blocks will always match and connect in a musical way.

iMake is a subdivision of Studio Make, creative sound   //   K.v.K. Eindhoven 55777511   //   VAT ID: NL123926063B02